Sunday, November 28, 2010

life as usual

life is going the same as usual.. sucky! my parents told me yesterday that they didnt want me home for christmas cause ill ruin their perfect family. and that i abuse my mother and they dont want me there to do that to her!! that all bull shit to me! i never abused my mom she abused me.. she told me a bunch of stuff that no mother should tell her child so i guess whatever i guess im staying here for christams! james is really sad about it cause he was so excited about the dance and best friends day... but he knows that if i go back there when my mom is acting like this she wont let me come back here.. so i get like 9 christmas things to go to.. i get a dorid for christmas so i can blog all the time:) anyways so guys news... jeremy told me they werent dating but i still dont believe him and camron says he is going to ask me to marry him!! idk if thats gonna work out with me cause there cant be a relationship without i told him that i do have other guys im talking to so he knows everything... omg so there is this guy i have had a crush on sine forever and he chated me on facebook and i was down stairs and when i came back up i inboxed him and he told me to text him! now he wants to take me to the movies and stuff cause he said he liked me for a while but i was with robert (one of his friends) but now that i aint he has really wanted to talk to me but never got up the nerve. idk why guess the guys is completely hott! every girl in school wants him! anyways so guess what??!! so that day that i found out about camron robert texted me and i told him about it and he was like you know what would make him mad and i said what and he siad that if i got back together with him... so now he texts me all the time and calls me.. we talked for three hours last night..he wants to get back together but idk cause everytime we are dating he treats me like crap! he will be all sweet until we date and then he goes back to normal... so idk anymore

Thursday, November 25, 2010

thanksgiving so far sucks!!

wellits tanksgiving and its suppose to be fun and stuff but for me it aint!! me and cmron are on speaking terms but not together and he keps saying that he just wants to kill himself if he cant be with me but i dont trust him anymore.. he has to earn it back and until then we are just gonna be friends!  now the whole thing with jeremy is just like camron.. i have decided i aint gonne date until i can date him and he said the EXACT same thing.. well i got on his face book today and his status says "missing my babygirl cant wait to see you friday sweetheart" !! he is freaking lieing to me! and he got pissed at me for some guy saying i was dating him! he tells me he loves me and everything and i do love him but he is probably telling her the same thing!! why are guys such jerks!!?? im never gonna date!! im so sick of all their lies!! thats all men do is lie!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

omg i cant believe camron!!

so you know how we broke up a while back.. well we got to talking and he was tellin me how he loves me and cant live without me and junk.. weel i feel for it and started datin him.. well it turns out he is also dating this girl named elizabeth... life suck sometimes!so i told him to hit the road and to never talk to me again!! i couldnt believe him!! well now that im single again guys wont leave me alone!! sometimes i wish i as gay! anyways landyn wants to date, so does dustin, jeremy, james, steven, and johnathan!! i dont think i can handle all this much longer!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

long time no post

its been awile since i last posted and it sint cause nothing has been going on either.. its cause i was sick and then very lazy... anyways i think in my last post i said something about alonso liking me... well i really dont text him because of that fact.. i already have enough boy problems... so im stiill going to snowflake with james ! im flying out on th 17th and ill get in around one in the moring and ill get maybe 5 hours sleep before i have to get up and do stuff to get  ready for the dance and go x mas shopping... at one i hae to go to the movies with james then to hastings( tradition) go back to my house get ready.. go to the lake and take pictures then diiner then the dance.... it gets over at midnight and we go get ice  ream after wards.. i probably wont get home till one.. lovely right!! the next day im doing a dozen things with johnathan!! and on and on down my line of friends..any minute free goes to jeremy:) so lately he hasnt been texting me and i got really worried well today boots texted me asking me if i was cheating in him with this guy named cory ford(btw dont even know who this is) and i said no...and thewn it hit me! thats why he hasnt been talking to me... he asked me a couple of days ago if i knew the guy and i said no and that was the end of it.. i texted him and asked what was going on and he said two people told him and he oesnt know what to belive so i called anna who is like my sister and she called him and threewayed it.. he said that he loves me and is gonna believe me over them !! im so happy i got my babby back!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Boy list

I realized it might get confusing between all the guys in my life so im gonna get them straight for you

Alonso- likes me and wants to ask me out
Justin(boots)- really likes me and thinks he is gonna get a chance
Camron- loves me and wants to get married
canyon- likes me but really only wants to "get with me"
casey- ex boyfriend and wants to get back together
chad- ex boyfriend and always wants me back no matter how many times i say no!
Chaise- we hooked up and he still wants to date me..
chapin- ex boyfriend and wants to get back together
Cody- just a friend
Dalton- we were gonna married but he dumped me but he says he still loves me
Dillan- has wanted to date me since the 9th grade and says he loves me
James- my best friend since i moved to russellville an di do have feelinhs for him but im scared
Jeremy- my"boyfriend" sorta i mean we are wating for eachother so we can try again. i really like him
Johnathan- ex boyfriend and wants to get back together
jon- party buddy
Josh- this guy who wont leave me alone he says he will wait forever and i plan on making him wait that long.
Landyn- i meet him a maplewood academy and i guess we are "buddys"
Nathan- dated and he is a complete ass! he thinks we will get back together
Robert- ex boyfriend and we will always just stay friends
Travis Gagnon- we were together but i dumped him cause he was kinda a jerk and plus i dumped him for nathan. he want to marry me!
travis gardner- he just wants a chance but i dont know if he will ever get one.
Camron- he doesnt want to be with anyone but me and if i dont cate him he sayd he will kill himself. he really just needs to get over me.

Day Three... not so bad

day three wasnt so was a block schedule and i only had to go to odd classes and i didnt have class fifth period so i got lunch and fifth off... two hour break!! i called my aunt and went shopping and went out to lunch... all together it was a good day. and guess what! i get two hours off every thursday!! omg you wont believe what happened to me last night! ok so i was just laying on the couch watching Criminal Minds and my friend Alonso texted me and asked when i was coming back cause he really missed me... well i told him this summer for a visit and he got all sad and sadi he had to tell me something but now that i aint really coming back there was no point...i got him to tell me and guess what??!! he said he was gonna ask me out cause he really liked me and he loves my smile! i always kinda liked him so that made my day!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

day two:/

so day two was kinda interesting...i went to first period instead of second, man did i feel like a moron! we have a block schedule wensday(even classes) and thursday(odd classes) and its so confusing! so second period i have us history and to be honest i think the teacher has no clue what she is talking about... we are learning about the civil war and the whole hour and a half was a movie. turns out thats all it ever is! dont get me wrong i dont mind having lazy days but i love history and i actually wanna learn about it! alot of people think im a stupid inbreed hillbilly... cant wait to prove them wrong!! well fourth period i had chemistry and the teacher is from clarksville! he went to collage at tech in russellville! its kinda nice to have someone know what its really like down there! he took me to the peer helpers and they seemed really nice:) there was this guy and he was joking around with me about how it never snows down there... he keeps saying i dont know what ski's or snow looks like! it so funny and to be honest he is kinda cute....i know that i have enough boy problems between camron, jeremy,james, and now landyn but they all live so far away... and to be honest i dont know if im gonna move back next year... i like it here and i dont feel like dealing with everything back home.. i let james read that story and he thinks it about us but i really didnt mean it to be so now he wont leave me alone... dont get me wrong he is my best friend and i do care for him but im realizing that it really isnt like that and that it probably wouldnt work. i have no clue how to tell him that.. ill figure it out.. so anyways at lunch i sat with this girl from chemistry adn she invited me to eat with her at panda exprss tomorrow but idk if i wanna ask for the money... ill proabably just eat at mcdonalds..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Creative writting Story

 Standing in the door way of her new home, looking at her family playing in the floor. A memory flashed across her thoughts. It was a cold night in September during her senior year of high school. She was playing monopoly with her little brother Nathan. She was losing pretty bad due to the fact that she couldn’t focus on the game. Instead her thoughts were on her best friend Landyn. They had been together since the eighth grade and by each other’s side every second of the day. Although lately they hadn’t been spending much time together. He had been acting very strange lately. Just yesterday he called and cancelled Sunday football and the movies Saturday night. Also that Friday night we would not be playing so it would be best if she didn’t come at all. At first she thought he had a girlfriend and he didn’t want her to scare her off. Then her mind thought that something was wrong with him. Something must be going on with his family. Although she couldn’t prove it the thoughts kept coming back. Frankly it was starting to worry her so bad she couldn’t sleep.

The phone rang pulling her out of these scary thoughts. At first she thought her mom would get it so she continued to play with Nathan. After the third ring she got up to answer.

"Smith residents, Kaitlyn speaking." Her family had always been very formal and it made her feel funny answering the phone like that.

“Kaitlyn its Landyn, can I ask you a favor?" his voice sounded scared and concerned. It sounded like he was terrified she would say no.

"What’s wrong? Are you ok? You sound like you are in trouble or something?"

“I’m fine Kaitlyn stop worrying so much! Gosh sometimes your worse than my mother!" He laughed as he said those words, but she could tell it was forced.

“Ok fine, Ill calm down. So what’s this favor you need? It better not be anything involving jail! Ha-ha I’m just kidding." she hoped that would make him laugh. He had never been the kind to get in any trouble. Being the captain of the football team and a member of student council along with a dozen other clubs has its pluses!

“Can you meet me at our tree in five minutes? I really need to talk to you privately." With those simple words her heart dropped and concern filled the hole where it had been. She knew something was wrong.

“I thought you said nothing was wrong!" she said basically yelling in the phone.

“Nothing is wrong. I promise. Now just meet me in five at our tree.” And with that he hung up the phone. She ran up stairs to her room and grasped the keys to her car and a jacket. Passing by her mother’s room to inform her where she was going and that she would be back by curfew. Nathan was upset that the game was over and he couldn’t beat her anymore than he already was.

As she got into her car to start it memories flashed over her of the past summer when Landyn and her had spent every day rebuilding her car. It was a '67 Camero. They had found it together online and decided to make it their summer project. It was going to be his but he surprised her on her birthday with it. He had done all the work. Mainly because she knew absolutely nothing about cars. That didn’t stop them though. They work from the moment the sun came up till long after the sun was gone from the sky.

With a quick turn of the key the engine fired up with a load rawer. She smiled at the thought of Landyn smiling every time he hear that sound. Slowly she backed out of the driveway pulling out onto the quiet little street. With a small tap on the gas she was off. The drive was only a few blocks and she could have walked but she loved driving her new car.

As she drove she passed little trees that were planted just last year. It was a project her and some friends did. They had seen online that during the ice storm during that winter that some trees had been knocked down. Some of them had to be cut because of the power lines. Landyn and her presented the project to the Peace Club and they were all for it.

So lost in thought Kaitlyn almost pasted the parking lot. Stopping just in time to make the turn she hit the brakes and turned on the turning signal. No matter how many times she visits this place she never fails on missing the parking lot. Carefully she turned in, watching her lights run across the park. Catching the side of Landyn’s pants from behind the tree. He turned to see if it was her or not. With a smile at the sight of here he started to walk over to her. Right away she could tell he was thinking hard about something. His hands were in his Levi's and his head was down. He was avoiding looking her in the eye until he had to.

"You know you could have just come over to my house considering it’s about three houses down." Kaitlyn said with a laugh hoping to make him smile. Something she really wanted to see. There was something about him that got to her. His laugh and smile made her heart jump. Like a grasshopper in the summer when you run through the field behind her house.

"Yeah I know but to be honest I wanted to talk to you alone because I need to get something off my chest. I've known you a very long time and you know I would do anything for you. We have been by each other’s side almost every second of every day. Over this past week i know i have been acting strange and if it bothered you I’m sorry..." “What are you getting at Landyn because you’re starting to scare me?"

"Well, I love you Kaitlyn. I have for a while and when you talked about going to Prom with Jon I wanted to keep mu distance because it seemed like you liked him." Hearing all this somewhat knocked her off her feet. She was expecting something horrible. This was just the opposite. When he said he loved her Kaitlyn knew that she loved him to. She never thought about it before but when he said those words she knew.

"Please say something" he said with concern in his voice. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She wanted to say something to him. Something that would let him know she felt the same, but the words just couldn’t come out. She looked up at him crying, nodded and smiled. That was all she could do.

Landyn reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into him “It’s ok Kaitlyn I know what you want to say. You don’t have to be scared. I’m here and I’m not going to hurt you like the others have. I promise."

She knew the truth of his words.

Fifteen years later looking back on that night she smiles at the life it gave her. The husband she now has and the three beautiful girls. If someone had told her years ago she would marry her best friend Kaitlyn would probably laugh in their faces.

day one at fort collins high

first day of school was pretty interesting! i learned that my creative writting teacher is crazy and has a mouth like a sailor. my chemistry teacher is from clarksville and you can totally tell. oh and get this we are having a dance in a week and im suppose to ask some stranger to go with me ! and to top all that off i have a bottom locker!! lovely right? ok so maybe it wasnt so terrible.. i mean some people were pretty nice.. besides the fact that i had a dozen people ask if i was together with my cousin and if i eat road kill!! i went along with to  road kill part just to gross this girl out. you should have seen her face! PRICELESS!! i think see was about to throw up! oh and get this.. there was this guy who was trippin on acid and flippin out in the bathroom and a bunch of teachers were in there trying to calm him.. this year is gonne be crazy! oh i almost forgot i have to write a short story for creative writing so im going to do it about me and james... its fiction but kinda true.. ill post it when im done

Yaye! one more day of freeedom!!

so i get one more day of freedom! my mom didnt get this paper signed so they wont take me till tomorrow! ong i did so much shopping yesterday i came home and crashed!! only for a little bit when my aunt got home we went to this place called plato's closet.. its got so many cute clothes! Its a second hand shop but the clothes are all really nice and maybe only worn twice! anyways the most funnest thing i ever had to hear happened this morning.... uncle dave and aunt kim gave me the drug, sex, peer presure talk! omg it was so funny... i think they already started reading parenting books... dont get me wrong it was kinda cute to cause you could tell it came right out of the book but you know at least they care enough to give it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

ugh new school

well first off starting a new school is never fun... and this new school is more like a collage!! its huge.. i mean the have to name the hallways like streets so you wont get lost!! and i only saw a small part of it! im so nerves cause im different from everyong else... and to be honest im scared ill be made fun of cause of the way i talk.. hearing me talk you can tell im from the south and plus everyone is probably gonna say that whole sleeping with your cousin joke!! but really we dont do that! oh well i guess ill just have to get over it cause its something i have to face... i couldnt enroll today anyways cause my mom needs to sign some papers so aunt kim can enroll me in school.. so im going to the mall :) shoppin is a girls best friend! no matter what anyones says it always makes girls feel better to eat chocolete and to go shoppin so i think im going to do both :D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Broncos game !

omg it was my first NFL game ever and it was completly amazing! we had seats right over the goal post! they kicked kansas city chiefs but.. i think the end score was Denver 49 Kansas city 29. in the first quarter broncos scored 27 points and chiefs 0!! omg and in the fourth quarter two players were going for the ball and the ran right into each other and the ball went flying into the air and this other guy jumped up and caught it and landed right in the end zone giving the broncos a touch back!! best game i have ever seen! but i think it was only cause it was my first pro-football game!! omg so jeremy has been trying to call me but last night i was at a dinner and the one before that i was at a eagles hockey last night after i got home he finally called me. he told me he really wanted to tell me something but he didnt know how i would react or if i would feel the same way..... yep you guessed it he told me he loves me!! he said he has really been thinkin about it and he knows its true. that it aint  some thing that comes and goes and that cause im in colorado and its not all about the phsyical stuff he realized it! idk if i feel the same but im gettin there:) 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

boy news

so you guys know how i asked james to the dance well now he was planning to ask me out but i moved to my aunt kims in colorado... oh ok so i broke up with camron! i was getting ready to go to this party with alicia out at boots and jeremys and i tried to call him cause he wouldnt talk to me and he wouldnt answer then he texted me saying how dare i call him and how could i think that ?!? tasha told him i thought he was cheating on me !! i never thought that!! i tried telling him i didnt say that but he wouldnt believe me over tasha ! totally not gonna work !!! so i dumped him  and now he wont leave me alone saying that he is gonna die with out me and stuff like he loves me and junk.... he barely knows me ! anyways at the party jeremy asked me out and of course i said yes cause the guy is soooo hott!!!  i mean he has a six pack and everything and his truck is totally awesome.. plus he is really popular and has awesome parties all the time !! but he hasnt has a girl friend in a couple of months so he aint a player :) i really like him! and now that i  live in colorado he is waiting for me !! the day i was leaving he came over and stayed all night with me ( no we diidnt do anything) anyways he made me promise  to come back so he can have his chance.. he calls me babe and baby and everything:)


well to much has happened for one post so this is like one of three. umm where to start? ok well lately me and my mom have been fighting a lot ltely and its mainly cause she still thinks im twelve and i dont like being treated like im a child anyways we got into a fight one morning cause the the night before a brought MY CAR back to the house at eleven friday night .. its bull cause it aint a school night and curfew was twelve plus a was gonna stay the night with my friend alicia(not r i couleally i was going to a party with jeremy) anyways so the next morning when i got home she starts yellin at me!! says that i need to buy MY CAR FROM HER!!!! i know its messed up!! i couldnt take it anymore so i called up my birth day and aunt kim and told them a needed to get out of there... i mean my mom was saying some really messed up stuff and i wasnt keep putting up with it

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Snowflake plans

Our school has this dance and girls are suppose to ask the guy. Well i asked James:) I was going to ask him monday but i couldnt wait. We have English together 6th period so i went in 5th and wrote all over the board in the back of the room. He was running late but everyone even the teacher was say "its about time" and "finally" (lol) I mean is it that easy to see that i have feelings for him? We are always together and everything but I'm terrified about being with him. Cause me and Robert were really good friends and we dated and broke up, me and Dalton were like best friends and we broke up and now we barely talk. I would die if that happened to me and James!! He has always been in my life and I dont really think I could function without him. He says I shouldnt worry cause he isnt like them but still I cant help it! OMG i have no idea what dress I'm gonna get?!?! i want something really pretty, but every girl wants that(lol) I told my mom that I might go with him and she really wants me to date him! so yeah Camron hasnt talked to me all day
!! im reallt worried cause he barely talked to me yesterday to. When ever I text time he is always with friendsand I'll send him something after he told me whats up and all he sends me is a smiley face or lol. I dont know if I did something wrong or if he is just getting tired of me:*(  I guess it aint gonna work out. OMG I forgot to tell you guys that my best friend Cynthia will be back monday morning! she moved last year and us three(me, James, and Cynthia) were like the three musketers. It is gonna be such a surprise to James! She told us she was going to move to Oklahama but it was just a trick. She texted me and told me cause she coulnt stand keeping it to herself anymore! I'm so excited!

totally not gonna work pal!

lol ok so im in 7th period and i have it with both my ex's(i know lovely right) well i walk into class and its the first time dalton has seen in like to days and camron left this HUGE hickey on my neck.. i mean it looks like i got punched in the neck. well once dalton found out that i have a new boyfriend and that we are messing around he got pissed:) then he tried to rub tory in my face.. its so low! i mean i didnt mean for him to see my hickey but you kinda cant miss it!! and besides he dumped me not the other way around so why would he be mad at me for moving on just like he said  i should!! i mean if he still cares he shouldnt have dumped me in the first place!well its to late now i aint coming back! im really starting to fall for camron and besides he dont deserve someone like me! at least  thats what camron tells me all the time:D

november 3-4

well i have this best friend alicia and she used to date this guy jeremy. she really liked him and he dumped her for his ex(wow guys do that alot) anyways on the night the whole taco bell thing happened jeremy was there and when he took us home and tasha gave him my number! he has been texting me non stop!!like he texted me last night and asked if i wanted to hang out at walmart with him and travis and nathan and some other dude.. well i was gonna cause they are all my friends and camron said it was fine.. once i said i would be able to he started calling me babe and all that stuff! i told him i was with camron and he wants me to dump camron for him! totally not gonna happen! unless camron dumps me first.. cause he has kinda been actin wierd lately.. like i'll text him and usually we text non stop but ill text him and he will send back these short one word texts. and it takes forever for him to text back? it aint like him to be like this.  i text tasha to see if he was talking to her about us cause he usually does but she wont ever text me! oh well maybe it aint ment to be!? i hope it is cause im really starting to fall for him

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

crazy night last night

well lets see i faked sick and stayed home yesterday and as soon as my mom left i text camron to come over:) it was amazing!! js.. he is so funny and cute i think inm really falling for him.. omg he did the cutest thing.. when me and dalton broke up i changed the banner on my phone to saw love is a myth. well i was asleep and he changed it to love is not a myth.. and then i texted him once he lft and asked him about it and he said it isnt cause im falling in love with you:) it was so cute... anyways i went to a party last night out at travis's house. it was lame!! they are real dicks.. they treat women like they are a peice of meat!!

OMG! best weekend of my life!!

omg never thought i would be happy again but this weekend proved me wrong! friday we had no school so me, james, jasmine, and christina were all gonna watch scary movies.. well jasmine and christina didnt come so i texted my friend tasha and asked if she wanted to come. she asked her dad and he said yes so then she asked if she could bring this guy and if i was single:) i told her yes cause i broke up with johnathan thursday... amywasy the guys name camron! he is soo sweet and hott! he came over and we had the best time ever. so then tasha texted me and wanted to know if i could spend the night with her and that if i could camron could come over and stay to:) so me and camron stayed up all night talking and watching tv! best night ever!! and i didnt get any sleep so satureday morning i had to leave at like 8:30 casue tacha had to work. i went home and my parents got this crazy idea to go to the fall fest down town at like 9:00 so i didnt get to go to sleep. we were there almost all day and when we finally went home we had to start getting ready to go trick or treating. and since my mom had to work this year i had to take ellie, plus my friend savannah texted me and asked if her and her sister grace could come. and if her boyfrined Tj could come. and then johnathan( the one who wont leave me alone) came with... we walked all over town until like 9:30 and i called my mom and asked her to come get us. she wasnt to happy with savannah cause she has a baby and was out all night sucking face with Tj! so we took all of them home and i got to stay the night with tasha again! :D she hadnt seen her boyfriend in likt a month so i drove her up to perryville and me her camron and andy all hung out till like 12. we had to go cause camron had to work the next morning...i was kinda mad cause my mom said i couldnt go anywhere but tashas so i needed gas money and they never gave me any so i got in huge trouble with my mom last night... then we get back to russellville adn travis texted me and asked if i wanted to go to a party but we had to wait till kenny(tashas dad) was asleep and travis didnt want to wait(jerk!) so we went to walmarts and meet up with people and they were pullin out as we were pullin in so we met at taco bell... not saying who but one of my friends tried to drift aroung the drive through line and drove right through the menu sign and hit the building!! we all hauled ass and got out of there!! they didnt she the suburban that did it and thought it was the white ford truck... i had to follow the dude home and then he tred to get tasha to dump andy for him so we texted jeremy to come get us. he is so funny we were singing at the top of our lungs ...after that i just went home