Wednesday, October 27, 2010

october 27

yesterday was carzy!! i gave dalton that htree page note saying i aint angry for him doing what  made him happy and stuff like  that. well he gives me ones back saying that he only said he loved me cause he was running from his feelings for tory! and that i should fall out of love with him for my own good! what a jerk!!! so then i talked my friend alicia to come home with me. we watched a movie and ate pizza. and my mom was really sick so i called my dad and he came down and got here better so i took the car and picked up macy(my kinda sister) we hung out for like 5 minutes and then i had to take alicia home. i got bored so i texted travis and asked if he wanted to hang out so we met at walmart. had a blast until nathan showed up(his best friend) and starts calling me a hoe! so i left and told him id come back when natha left. so i went to taco johns and dalton was working on his day off!! it was the worst idea ever! i thought he was off in my defenece! so i order my taco and go sit down and he comes over and slams it down on my table! i jjust grabbed it and left crying. i texted travis  and was like idc if he is there im goona hang out with you anyways. he was all happy and junk. so i went back to walmarts and him and his friends were just hanging out next to there souped up cars and as i walk up to him he whispers in my ear to say im his girl friend.. cause everyone thought i was cause he talks about me non stop! awww! so we went to taco bell and sat down and his friend starts yelling at the workers to come and clean his table. it was so freaking funny. he goes up to the counter and asks for a rag and  windex to clean his table. so a guy comes out and cleans it all pissed off! they left and it was just me and him and macy ... macy wouldnt  shut up!! i know that mean but its true!! he was tryinh to talk to me and stuff and she wouldnt leave us alone.... when i finally had to leave he walked me to my car and kissed me!! he said that he wanted to see me today cause he really has been missing me.. AAAWWW! sorry i have always liked travis he has always been so nice to me. plus he is really hott!!! but the down side is he is 22. oh well i dont mind we havent done anything yet!!

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